I told you so, dark is an adjective, don't believe, done.
okay it started when this teacher reprimanded me for telling a kid that dark is an adjective. wth.
teacher: eh regina, how can you tell daphne that dark is an adjective?
me: but it is what,isn't it?
this was the question, underline the adjectives. (sorry i don't know how to underline. XD)
John was wet one dark and rainy night.
teacher: okay,we go out ask teacher okay? I bet with you a hundred bucks that i'm right.
me: okay, whatever. =.=
We then went out together, asking the answer from the enother teacher, who's much much smarter than her.
the dumb teacher: eh, in this sentence dark is counted as an adjective ah? no right? this regina so smart tell daphne that this is an adjective le. act pandai saje.
me: no meh? dark is describing the night what. =.=
the smarter teacher: yala,true what.
the dumb teacher: true right? i told you so regina.
the smarter teacher: sorry, i mean what regina said is true.
regina: (: i told you so.
i guessed that teacher was quite pissed off with me, cause' after that she didn't speak to me. (: but i seriously don't give shit damn about it. haahahha. XD
Hookay i wanna eat chicken rice now so bye. hehh.
many of you might think i've changed,
but i think i just found the new me.
what i think is more important.
so heh. (: