Anyway i went flag day duty yesterday and we were walking around larkin like nobody's business. There were hardly a soul wei. Omg. So we stayed in front of plaza larkin and managed to get a few bucks though.
After reporting me and ehem (i think she shouldn't be disclose here) went taking bus from cs to jusco.
We went and watch Ice Age. It was very funny. Okay half of the time we weren't laughing about the show but the person at the back. The laughter was like 'hehehe'. Damn creepy can. HAHAHAHHA.
It was very fun though. It has been so long since the last time i've ever laugh so much and confided so much.
Thanks loads. [:
We know it jolly well that it is gonna be tough shit for us to be bff but we will, right?
Our friendship has been strain for quite a while but i'm very glad that we are close again. You said that we need to have 100% trust between each other and i think we can.
I won't think that you're selfish, cause' i understand the dilemma you're in right now.
So. Buck up. Alright?
And serhan cheers and chill!! [:
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